
Calculability and Complexity aka mainstream algorithms and their time analysis

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Calculability and Complexity

Pasecinic Nichita

FAF 192 year 2 sem 2

Teacher - Mihai Gaidau

Fibonacci sequence + empirical analysis

Sorting algorithm + empirical analysis*

Plot example (more plots and more detailed description available in report!)


Empirical analysis of algorithms for obtaining Eratosthenes Sieve.


Plot example (more plots and more detailed description available in report!)


Empirical analysis of Depth First Search and Breadth First Search algorithms.


Plot example (more plots and more detailed description available in report!)


Compute π to nth digit


Calculus Formulas:



Plot example (more plots and more detailed description available in report!)


Kruskal's and Prim's algorithm


Plot example (more plots and more detailed description available in report!)


To run the programs:

  1. open root directory
  2. cd into specific lab work
  3. run npm i / yarn
  4. run npm start / yarn start (it will run node index)
  5. in console can be seen data for plot (execution time)
  6. the program should open a browser window with the plot for above test data