This repository contains the Vivado project for our EE365 project 4 submission.
The usage is as follows:
- Connect the 7-segment display controller to the Cora Z7 using hte pinout below. Do not use TX and SPI connections at the same time, only one.
- Plug the buttons PMOD connector into the top of the A PMOD connector.
- Run the synthesis, implementation and bitstream generation, then upload to the board.
The project simulations are as follows:
: UART simulationsim_3
: SPI simulation
JA is designed to be connected directly to the button PMOD module, with the header plugged into the higher row of positions.
JB is as follows:
jb[x] |
Connection | Purpose |
jb[0] |
TX | UART TX Signal |
jb[1] |
jb[2] |
CS | SPI |
jb[3] |
The LEDs are used for quick troubleshooting and feedback.
- LED_0_RED will be turned on whenever the TX line is active, indicating communication on SPI and UART.
- LED_1_RED will be turned on whenever the system is in up-counting mode.