
Tools relating to the Xylem Global Innovation Challenge on Urban Flood Prediction

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Xylem Global Innovation Challenge

Challenge statement: Urban Flood Prediction

Tools relating to the Xylem Global Innovation Challenge on Urban Flood Prediction

In this Challenge, we aim to use predictive modelling to help Portland, Oregon residents predict and take pre-emptive action against floods.

You can access the Floodopedia live app here

This is an open-source project and we strive to continually improve the functionality of Floodopedia. Feel free to make a pull request or raise issues!

Setup Instructions

Dependencies Setup

  1. Create a Python virtual environment (venv) by invoking the command on your Command Prompt Shell as follows C:\>python -m venv C:\path\to\myenv
  2. On your shell, run pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. [OPTIONAL] Download, install and run ngrok here if you want to make your locally run Flask servers accessible on the Internet.

Running Floodopedia on localhost

  1. On your shell, run python app.py
  2. Go to localhost:5001 on your web browser. Alternatively, you can specify a different IP or port number on the app.run(host='new-IP-address', port=<new-port-number>) method in app.py and visit new-IP-address: instead.
  3. Press Ctrl + C to terminate server

Running Floodopedia on the Internet (Production server)

  1. On your shell, run python app.py
  2. Open the ngrok shell and run ngrok http 5001 or ngrok http <your-port-number>
  3. You should see a temporary link on your shell and you can access Floodopedia via the displayed link.
  4. Press Ctrl + C to terminate server

Prediction Model

About the prediction model

  • The decision classifiers used are Gage Height, Turbidity and Discharge.
  • As flooding is an extreme and rare event, available USGS Data had weak correlations (<0.20) with flooding. However, Gage Height, Turbidity and Discharge had the strongest correlations with flooding

- By using Gage Height, Turbidity and Discharge as classifiers, the Random Forest algorithm is utilised in decision-making for flood predictions. The use of all three classifiers strengthened the multi-dimensionality of flood prediction in Random Forest, yielding a 98% accuracy rate on a 75/25 training-test split

Modifying the Prediction Model

  1. If you wish to populate the dataset with newer data, you can pull raw values from the USGS Fanno Creek Website
  2. Modify flood flood_prediction_model.py to your liking and seralize your modified model as a pickle file by running pickle.dump(<model-variable-name>, open('<your-filename>.pkl','wb'))
  3. In app.py, de-serialize <your-filename>.pkl by taking pickle.load(open('<your-filename>.pkl', 'rb')) and you can now run the .predict() method of your model on a dataset

Server and Data

About the server

  • Floodopedia runs on Python's Flask library and uses REST API to make requests and responses between and within webpages.
  • Floodopedia is designed in such a way that each refresh fetches new data from the USGS Fanno Creek website (if any).

Web-scraping and data

  • BeautifulSoup4 is used to scrape HTML text data from the USGS Fanno Creek Site. Floodopedia's design deliberately omits the use of a webdriver to bypass dependency issues on different machines and no external installation is needed.
  • The variable formatted_description returns data in the form of 'Most recent instantaneous value: 15.7 05-28-2021 02:00 PDT'
  • Regular expressions are used to format the scraped data. re.findall(r'[\d\.\d]+', formatted_description)[0] returns raw data (i.e. 15.7), while (re.findall(r'((0[1-9]|1[0-2])\-(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d|3[01])\-(19|20)\d{2}\s\s([0-1]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]\s([P][D][T])\s)$', formatted_description))[0][0] returns date, time and timezone (i.e. 05-28-2021 02:00 PDT)