I would like to thank the University of Tartu and the BIIT Research Group for allowing me to publish this as an open-source library.
bigslacker tries to be faithful to its name. It is a Bot for Slack that allows you to plug plugins (!) the easiest possible way. All you have to do is define a class that inherits from BasePlugin and define methods for the events.
Supports Python 2 and 3.
pip install bigslacker
git clone https://github.com/nicholasamorim/bigslacker.git
python setup.py install
So far it has only one dependency, which is the official slackclient.
from bigslacker import BigSlacker, BasePlugin
class ChannelAnnouncer(BasePlugin):
def channel_created(self, data):
print('I see a channel is created, gonna do something')
token = '1239182918sxxusus'
bs = BigSlacker(token)
You don't have to do anything to register a plugin but inherit it from BasePlugin.
We analyze every returned data from any Plugin we call. If you return None we do nothing. However, if you reply with [(channel, message)], we will automatically send that message to the specified channel.
from bigslacker import BigSlacker, BasePlugin
class ChannelAnnouncer(BasePlugin):
def channel_created(self, data):
print('I see a channel is created, gonna reply')
return [('C1K4BBY8L', 'Hey guys, a channel has been created...')]
token = '1239182918sxxusus'
bs = BigSlacker(token)
Of course, if you add more elements to the list, we will also send those messages.
Sure. Just define a catch_all
from bigslacker import BigSlacker, BasePlugin
class ChannelAnnouncer(BasePlugin):
def catch_all(self, data):
print('gonna inspect that data...')
token = '1239182918sxxusus'
bs = BigSlacker(token)
Yes, all you have to do is monkey-patch it before on your application. Nothing else changes.
from gevent import monkey
Yes, we expose the interface. So just call api_call on it as usual.
from bigslacker import BigSlacker
token = '1239182918sxxusus'
bs = BigSlacker(token)