Tip Calculator

Author: Nicholas Borghese

This program takes a bill amount as an input, allows the user to select a tip percentage, and then outputs the tip amount as well as the total bill including tip.

Time spent

Describe the time you spent on the project.

  • Tutorials, research: 1 hour
  • Coding required stories: 3 hours
  • Optional and extras: 1 hours

User stories


  • User can enter total bill amount
  • User can choose between at least three tip tiers (e.g. 15%, 18%, 20%) and see the total tip
  • User can see the total with tip


  • Add custom CSS to the calculator inputs
  • Add a light/dark color theme toggle on the page
  • User can enter tax amount
  • Page is optimized for the viewport/browser size (i.e. scales to mobile & desktop sizes)
  • Remember the previous bill amount when the user re-opens the browser
  • Use locale specific currency and currency separators.


  • Tip field and total with tip field are hidden until user clicks calculate

GIF Walkthrough

Walkthrough GIF

GIF created with LiceCap.

Notes & shoutouts

Spent extra time figuring out how to hide elements until they are needed.