An OWL ontology version of the Decision-Making Ontology (DMO) by Konyshova & Deneckère (2012).
The ontology as originally published was a stand-alone ontology - it referenced or use no other models - nor was a machein-redable version of the ontology given. This version of the ontology is both integrated into the W3C's set of OWL ontologies and is presented in human- and machine-readable forms.
As per the original ontology, this ontology, this ontology deals with the abstract concept of a Decison Making (DM) situation that is described with a set of DM elements and describes a particular DM situation by creating a DM object with instances of those elements.
A DM situation must contain a DM problem and a set of alternatives. A problem must be characterised by a problem type which can be choice, ranking, classification, or description.
A DM situation may contain a set of criteria but this is not mandatory.
Turtle format: dmo.ttl
HTML format: dmo.html
The canonical location of this ontology online is:
It is presented there according to Linked Data principles for human and machine readability.
This ontology and all other content in this repository are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (also LICENSE).
Nicholas Car
Senior Experimental Scientist
CSIRO Land & Water