User Features
- Click a product's Save button to edit the product description, and then save the product to an existing board or to a new board.
- View a product to leave a comment.
- Click the Board's tab at the top to create a new board, view your existing boards, edit the title or description of your boards or delete them. Click each board to see the products saved to that board.
- Click the Pin's tab at the top to see all your saved products. Remove any saved product by clicking the X.
- Find products via any combination of price filters, tag filters and search terms
- Create an account to save your comments, boards and pins.
Technical Features
- Multi-page, responsive web application built with React, Node, Express, Mongoose and MongoDB containing 3 modals and 16 react components
- Created 8 Express Post and Get APIs for loading product data, creating and editing user boards, saving and editing user comments and registering, logging-in and logging-out users
- Created React functionality for creating and editing boards, which the user can then save products to from across the application
- Developed React Commenting UI, allowing users to post, edit and delete comments on each product
- Designed React toast system for alerting users when their requested action has completed
- Created React functionality for finding products via any combination of price filters, tag filters and search terms