
DE-like dotfiles for Arch Linux that covers most of things with Xmonad, Xmobar and much more...

Primary LanguageHaskell


This is simply my environment/configurations for Arch Linux. It’s inspired by the great community, which I very grateful.

It is also a part of arch-sheat-sheet repository.

What is inside?

xmonadWindow managermiozu
xmobarStatus bar
picomCompositor for Xorg
weztermTerminal emulatormiozu
pms, mpdAudio Player, Audio daemon
n3File manager
rofiLaunch manager
doom-emacsEmacs configuration files
rtorrentCommand line torrent tracker
dunstNotification manager
zathuraDocument viwer
fontconfigFont configuration file
.xinitrc, .XresourcesX11 Misc Linux files
.gitconfigGit configurations
.jsbeautifyrc, .eslintJavascript linting and beautify
and more

How it’s look?

Status bar (XMobar):

You can find more info at miozu.com github.