
Terraform / Packer example for Kubernetes on DigitalOcean

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Kubernetes cluster on Digital Ocean

Open Source Helpers

Terraform module which creates a basic Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean


  • Kubernetes v1.8.8
  • Kubernetes v1.9.4


This module creates a simple Kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean with the following features:

  • Single Kubernetes master
  • Configurable number of Kubernetes worker nodes
  • Firewall configured to deny external access other than port 22 by default
  • DigitalOcean private network
  • DigitalOcean cloud controller which automatically creates a DigitalOcean load balancer creation when a new service is defined
  • Packer build with base software


To create a Kubernetes cluster create the base image with Packer as shown in the example cluster , then add the following module to your Terraform config replacing the values for the inputs as required.

module "k8s_cluster" {
  source = "nicholasjackson/k8s/digitalocean"

  namespace = "my_k8s_cluster"

  ssh_public_key  = "~/.ssh/server_rsa.pub"
  ssh_private_key = "~/.ssh/server_rsa"

  image_name = "k8s-1.9.4-00-ubuntu-16-04-x64"
  size       = "s-1vcpu-1gb"

  k8s_version = "v1.9.4"
  k8s_workers = 2

  digitalocean_api_token = "${var.digitalocean_api_token}"

variable "digitalocean_api_token" {
  description = "API token for digital ocean, required by the K8s cloud controller"


The module defines the following inputs:

name description
namespace The namespace for the application
region DigitalOcean region in which to create the cluster
size DigitalOcean droplet size, details of available droplets can be found in the docs https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#sizes Kubernetes
ssh_public_key Path to the SSH public key to add to the nodes
ssh_private_key Path of the SSH private key used for provisioning
image_name Digital ocean snapshot used as a base image
k8s_token Optional token to be used for nodes to join the cluster, if ommited a token will be generated
k8s_version Kubernetes version, default v1.9.4
k8s_workers Number of workers to create, default 2
digitalocean_api_token DigitalOcean API token, required to provision cloud load balancers


The module defines the following outputs:

name description
master_public_ip Public IP address of the K8s master
master_private_ip Private IP of the K8s master
workers_public_ip List of Public IP addresses for the K8s workers
workers_private_ip List of Private IP addresses for the K8s workers
private_key Path to the SSH private key used for provisioning the nodes
public_key Path to the SSH public key provisioned to the nodes
join_token Join token used when creating the cluster, join tokens have a life span of 24hrs


For more detailed example on useage, including instructions on creating a base image with Packer, and how to access the cluster using kubectl please see the README in the examples folder.

example cluster

Digital Ocean Droplet Sizes

The table below lists the currently available droplets, data obtained from the DigitalOcean API 19/03/2018. NOTE: Kubernetes requires a minimum of 1024mb of ram to run.

Slug Memory Vcpus Disk Transfer Price monthly Price hourly Regions Available
512mb 512 1 20 1 5 0.007439999841153622 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-1vcpu-1gb 1024 1 25 1 5 0.007439999841153622 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
1gb 1024 1 30 2 10 0.01487999968230724 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-1vcpu-2gb 2048 1 50 2 10 0.01487999968230724 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-1vcpu-3gb 3072 1 60 3 15 0.02232000045478344 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-2vcpu-2gb 2048 2 60 3 15 0.02232000045478344 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-3vcpu-1gb 1024 3 60 3 15 0.02232000045478344 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
2gb 2048 2 40 3 20 0.02975999936461449 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-2vcpu-4gb 4096 2 80 4 20 0.02975999936461449 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
4gb 4096 2 60 4 40 0.05951999872922897 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
c-2 4096 2 25 4 40 0.05999999865889549 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-4vcpu-8gb 8192 4 160 5 40 0.05951999872922897 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
8gb 8192 4 80 5 80 0.1190500035881996 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
c-4 8192 4 50 5 80 0.1190000027418137 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-6vcpu-16gb 16384 6 320 6 80 0.1190500035881996 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
16gb 16384 8 160 6 160 0.2381000071763992 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
c-8 16384 8 100 6 160 0.2380000054836273 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-8vcpu-32gb 32768 8 640 7 160 0.2381000071763992 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
s-12vcpu-48gb 49152 12 960 8 240 0.3571400046348572 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true
32gb 32768 12 320 7 320 0.4761900007724762 ams2,ams3,blr1,fra1,lon1,nyc1,nyc2,nyc3,sfo1,sfo2,sgp1,tor1 true