Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education - 2016 revision
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Revise Goal #3
#12 opened by zief0002 - 1
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consider whether to tag assessment items directly to learning outcomes/goals
#6 opened by nicholasjhorton - 1
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add in open intro questions
#10 opened by nicholasjhorton - 0
incorporate feedback on multivariate chapter and add revision to Dropbox folder.
#9 opened by nicholasjhorton - 1
add old-faithful jpg to repo.
#8 opened by nicholasjhorton - 1
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refer to SET (statistical education of teachers) report somewhere in the main document?
#2 opened by nicholasjhorton - 1
refer to the ASA/MAA guidelines for teaching statistics somewhere in the main document?
#3 opened by nicholasjhorton - 1