
A MERN stack application where user's may register/login/logout and create, view, update, and delete todos!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Todo's!


A MERN stack application for creating, viewing, updating, searching and deleting user Todos. All REST API routes are authorized and authenticated via JSON Web Tokens (JWT's) and login credentials.

When users create a todo, they enter a title, description, and YouTube URL. Each todo is then accessible via the get-todo page where they can be viewed, updated, or deleted.

A successful key word or phrase search renders todos to the search page to be viewed, edited, and deleted.

Future development will display stores and services helpful to completing user todo's via HERE Geocoding & Search API.

To demo this application:

  1. Vist the deployed link here
  2. Login with Email: user@user.com and Password: useruser.
  3. Or, register an account and create your own todos!




Github Repo

Deployed Website


  • ReactJS
  • ES6 Javascript
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT's)
  • Axios
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • CSS


To run this project locally using npm cli:

From the root directory:
$ type: npm install && npm start
$ type: cd client && npm install
$ type: cd..
$ type: npm run dev
$ Or See deployed website.  


Github Repo

Deployed Website


Nick McConnell - Full Stack Web Developer