
Nodejs/TypeScript REST API powered by Serverless and AWS Lambda

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Serverless API

This is an example Serverless API running on AWS Lamda.


  • Install "serverless" globally. Note that if you are using nvm it will only be installed on the current version:

npm i -g serverless

  • Configure Serverless to your AWS IAM user:

sls config credentials --provider aws --key YOUR_ACCESS_KEY --secret YOUR_SECRET_KEY --profile serverless-user

This will add an IAM profile to your ~/aws/credentials file with your access key and secret key.

  • npm install


  • sls deploy -v

If you get a permissions error when you run deploy you may need to specify the user profile

  • sls deploy -v --aws-profile serverless-user


  • sls deploy -v --stage ci
  • sls deploy -v --stage staging
  • sls deploy -v --stage prod


  • To remove your resources use:

sls remove


Default region is "us-east-1".

URL: https://904lavdpr6.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/groups

Web Sockets

Use wscat (WebSocket Cat) to connect to WebSocket:

  • npm i wscat -g


  • wscat -c wss://xyz12345.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev (Ctrl + C to disconnect)

Image Upload

The technical process for uploading an images is as follows:

  1. Post the details of the images:

--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw '{ "title": "Another image" }'``` 2. Make a PUT request to the resulting URL with a binary file (image), on success you will get a 200 response. 3. Visit the URL returned from the initial POST response to view the image.

Local/Offline Execution

  • npm i - check package.json for dependencies first

  • Install DynamoDB Local:

sls dynamodb install

  • Start the local DynamoDB server:

sls dynamodb start

  • Run Serverless Offline:

sls offline

  • Install Serverless plugins:

serverless plugin install --name serverless-plugin-tracing

{ "id": "1", "userId": "1", "createdAt": "2020-03-27T20:13:56.424Z", "name": "Manual todo entry", "dueDate": "2020-07-29T20:01:45.424Z", "done": false, "attachmentUrl": "http://example.com/image.png" }