
Serverless Notes App using Node.js, Cognito and DynamoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Serverless Notes App

Build Status

Notes app using Node.js, Serverless framework and AWS. According to the series at Serverless Stack

Developer Notes

  • To test functions locally, from the terminal run (take note of the AWS_PROFILE is you have multiple AWS profiles - this is not needed if you only have one profile):


API URL: https://lz2ymosryl.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dev

AWS_PROFILE=serverless-user serverless invoke local --function CreateNote --path src/mocks/createNoteEvent.json

AWS_PROFILE=serverless-user serverless invoke local --function GetNote --path src/mocks/getNoteEvent.json

AWS_PROFILE=serverless-user serverless invoke local --function GetNotes --path src/mocks/getNotesEvent.json

AWS_PROFILE=serverless-user serverless invoke local --function UpdateNote --path src/mocks/updateNoteEvent.json

AWS_PROFILE=serverless-user serverless invoke local --function DeleteNote --path src/mocks/deleteNoteEvent.json

AWS_PROFILE=serverless-user serverless invoke local --function Billing --path src/mocks/billingEvent.json


  • Test will run once:

npm test


  • Deploy the entire application:

sls deploy -v -v displays out put

sls deploy -s dev -s deploys to stage 'dev'

  • Deploy a single function:

serverless deploy function -f Billing

Cognito Auth

In order to authenticate with Cognito without using a frontend client, you can do the following using a tool called aws-api-gateway-cli-test:

If installed globally, the command is: apig-test

npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test \
--username='admin@example.com' \
--password='Passw0rd!' \
--user-pool-id='YOUR_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID' \
--app-client-id='YOUR_COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID' \
--cognito-region='YOUR_COGNITO_REGION' \
--identity-pool-id='YOUR_IDENTITY_POOL_ID' \
--invoke-url='YOUR_API_GATEWAY_URL' \
--api-gateway-region='YOUR_API_GATEWAY_REGION' \
--path-template='/notes' \
--method='POST' \
--body='{"content":"hello world","attachment":"hello.jpg"}'


npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test \
--username='nicholaspretorius@gmail.com' \
--password='Passw0rd!' \
--user-pool-id='eu-west-1_iqrXNOPhZ' \
--app-client-id='4kmdbsn7s9va7lvslk1ntv48u9' \
--cognito-region='eu-west-1' \
--identity-pool-id='eu-west-1:51eb39a2-6a02-47e6-8784-313ba2c7a288' \
--invoke-url='https://lz2ymosryl.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dev' \
--api-gateway-region='eu-west-1' \
--path-template='/notes' \
--method='POST' \
  • Can also use --body='@src/mocks/createNoteEvent.json'


  status: 201,
  statusText: 'Created',
  data: {
    userId: 'eu-west-1:c3a84c65-0a55-4f51-ae0b-0f1bc707b5dc',
    noteId: 'b05924d0-7978-11ea-a620-0d36c04be141',
    createdAt: 1586336984989

Confirm an unauthenticated user

A quick note on the signup flow here. If the user refreshes their page at the confirm step, they won’t be able to get back and confirm that account. It forces them to create a new account instead. We are keeping things intentionally simple but here are a couple of hints on how to fix it.

  1. Check for the UsernameExistsException in the handleSubmit function’s catch block.
  2. Use the Auth.resendSignUp() method to resend the code if the user has not been previously confirmed. Here is a link to the Amplify API docs.
  3. Confirm the code just as we did before.
aws cognito-idp admin-confirm-sign-up \
   --user-pool-id YOUR_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID \
   --username YOUR_USER_EMAIL
aws cognito-idp admin-confirm-sign-up \
   --region eu-west-1 \
   --user-pool-id eu-west-1_iqrXNOPhZ \
   --username nicholaspre@icloud.com

Further Examples

  • To pass in path parameters with your request.
npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test \
--username='email@example.com' \
--password='password' \
--user-pool-id='abc' \
--app-client-id='def' \
--cognito-region='us-east-1' \
--identity-pool-id='ghi' \
--invoke-url='https://123.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod' \
--api-gateway-region='us-east-1' \
--path-template='/notes/{id}' \
--params='{"id":"456"}' \
  • To pass in query parameters and headers with your request.
npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test \
--username='email@example.com' \
--password='password' \
--user-pool-id='abc' \
--app-client-id='def' \
--cognito-region='us-east-1' \
--identity-pool-id='ghi' \
--invoke-url='https://123.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/prod' \
--api-gateway-region='us-east-1' \
--path-template='/notes' \
--additional-params='{"queryParams":{"param0":"abc"},"headers":{"param1":"123"}}' \


The frontend client is contained within the "client" folder in the root. Change into "client" and run: npm start

Favicons generated from Real Favicon Generator

  • Build the frontend for 'prod':

REACT_APP_STAGE=prod npm run build (REACT_APP_STAGE=dev npm run build)


Read more about Stripe here:

  • A Stripe test card number is 4242 4242 4242 4242.
  • You can use any valid expiry date, security code, and zip code.
  • And set any name.


Travis CI is used to deploy the API to AWS on git push to master branch.

See here for more info.

Netlify is used to host and deploy the client app. The client app repo can be found here

The client app is found on Netlify here