Codes written to assist in processing MESA/RSP's theoretical stellar astrophysics data

Primary LanguageR

This repository contains several codes I wrote and used for stellar astrophysics research projects during my undergraduate studies at the State University of New York at Oswego. In general, these codes process output data from Modules Experiments for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA), a modern stellar evolutionary code that solves the differential equations that describe stellar structure, and its added functionality Radial Stellar Pulsations (RSP), a 1D radiation hydrodynamics code used to model the nonlinear radial stellar pulsations that characterize RR Lyrae, Classical Cepheids, and other classes of variable stars.

Codes with keyword CMD create color-magnitude diagrams using absolute magnitude data from MESA.

Codes with hif2 were originally written by Dr. Earl Bellinger. These codes perform calculations regarding the hydrogen ionization front in stars and plot optical depth vs star age diagrams in addition to Hertzsprung-Russell diagrams.

RSP_interior_LC_plotter uses nonlinear RSP calculations and data to visualize interior luminosity and absolute magnitude light curves of variable stars.