# Bare auth test for react integration

This test uses devise_token_auth instead of the previous custom solution to handle user authentication.

note on getting started

Once you bundle install you will still need to rails db:create so PG can create a new DB.

To start the API and React server run rake start. Note if you start the server with rails s it will default to :3000.

Setting up the first user

  1. Start the Rails server with rake start

  2. Load Postman and POST a new user to api.lvh.me:3001/auth with the body parameters:

	"email": "firstuser@example.com",
	"password": "password",
	"password_confirmation": "password",
	"confirm_success_url": "nil"

The server will return a 500 error because there is not template, but the user is created.

  1. Open the console and confirm the user
>> u = User.first
>> u.update_attributes(confirmed_at: Time.now)
  1. With the user confirmed you can sign in with Postman by POSTing to api.lvh.me:3001/auth/sign_in with the username and password in the body. In the headers returned you will need to include the following five with each request:

Note The access-token and expiry chnage with each request. The client token will change with each successful sign_in. The other tokens are stable.

  1. Test by changing the password. PATCH to api.lvh.me:3001/auth/password. Include the five items from above in the header and in the body include:
	"password": "passwords",
	"password_confirmation": "passwords"
  1. To continue testing update the headers with the newly returned values. You can see all the end points for users with rake routes

Testing Notes

To test the notes function use the user you created in the first step and the most recent tokens.

  1. POST to api.lvh.me:3001/notes with the updated token info and the following in the body:
    "created_by": "1",
    "title": "I'm another note",
    "clients": {
        "client1": {
            "name": "name 1",
            "role": "role 1"
        "client 2": {
            "name": "name 2",
            "role": "role 2"
  1. To test the index GET from api.lvh.me:3001/notes with the updated token

The rest of the endpoints can be seen with rake routes