Three-tier architecture

Diagram below shows a simple three-tier architecture that consists of Web-tier, App-tier and DB-tier. This system span across 3 availability zones.

System Diagram


  • The public subnet is used to store bastion host instances, which serve as a jump host to the instances at app-tier subnet and web-tier subnet.

  • The web-tier subnet is used to accomodate EC2 instances that serves static front-end web contents. The EC2 inside will communicate with app-tier subnet's EC2 through internal ALB. Autoscaling group will help to provision more instances when there is a spike on CPU utilization.

  • The app-tier subnet is used to accomodate EC2 instances that serves business logic apps. The EC2 will receive request from instances in web-tier subnet's EC2 through internal ALB.

  • The DB-tier subnet is used to accomodate database instances.

Build sequence

  1. networking/
  2. lb/
  3. db/
  4. web/
  5. app/*
