
The project repository for Human Centered Requirements and Design (SWEN-444), group 2, spring 2017.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Budget Tool 5000

Development Setup

You'll need to install npm.

Navigate to the client/ directory and run npm install to download all of the project dependencies.

Once that's done, there are two commands avaiable for building the project. npm run dev will serve the project at "localhost:8080", and dynamically update the served site when the source files change. npm run build will output the static bundle.js file into the public/ folder. After building like this, the site can be served statically by simply navigating to index.html.

First read through the source

I recommend reading the following source files (in client/) to get an understanding of the project structure:

src/index.js                         # Project root.
src/routes.js                        # URL routes. Determines components to load.
src/containers/BudgetContainer.js    # Root "container" establishes state and action associations.
src/views/BudgetView.js              # Top level view for BudgetContainer.
src/views/LoginView.js               # Login view renderer.