
Generate Domain Driven Design Aggregates for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Generate Domain Driven Design Aggregates for Node.js.

The generated Aggregate contains:

  • The Base Class.
  • A Repo that uses knex.js for persisting your Aggregate.
  • A Service Class.
  • Boilerplate tests for the Class and the Service.


$ npm i -g yo
$ npm i -g generator-ddd-aggregate


The generated Aggregate is assuming the following are already installed in your parent project:

$ npm i --save guid generic-repo http-errors
$ npm i --save-dev chai mock-repo

then, the following example creates an Account Aggregate:

$ yo ddd-aggregate
# You will be asked to type the name of your aggregate, we
# are assuming you typed 'account'.

then the generator will generate the following folder structure:

├── classes
│   └── account
│       ├── test
│       │   ├── account.assertion.js
│       │   └── index.js
│       └── index.js
├── repos
│       └── index.js
├── account-service
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── mocks
│   │   │   └── account-repo
│   │   │       └── index.js
│   │   └── index.js
│   └── index.js
└── test
    └── index.js

Composite Aggregates

Aggregates, by definition, contain more than 1 child Class. To expand to a composite Aggregate:

  • Add all the relevant child classes in classes.
  • Modify your Base Class to include the relevant child classes.
  • Checkout the relevant comment in repo/index.js on how to rewire the generated Repository to save/retrieve composite Aggregates.

Aggregate tests

Run the generated Aggregate's tests:

$ mocha account/test

Generator Test

Run this generator's tests:

$ npm test

