
I could have SwowS!

Primary LanguageAssemblyBSD Zero Clause License0BSD

Pokémon SwowS


Hello there! This is Pokémon SwowS, a ROM hack that straddles a pursuit of humour with an interest in a deeper, more bountiful Pokémon world on the Game Boy Advance. There was so much more in GSC compared to RBY, so why not follow that and expand the game? Sure, I said! And hey, while we’re at it, let’s not have the game take itself too seriously. So the scripts are let loose a bit. The result: something remarkably original… I hope!


The name SwowS comes from one of my favourite Pokémon YTPs: Big Meowth, Little Samwich, where Meowth utters the line (through sentence mixing), “I could have swows!” But, it should be understood that SwowS isn’t a hack for the funny papers, as they say. There is a lot of serious content I’ve integrated into this work that I call my own, some of which have been waiting for over a decade since I thought them up to be seen through. Every novel kid game idea I’ve had is probably going to make it into this game if it didn’t evolve to feature in Project Trinity a few years ago. One such addition is two new evil teams alongside Team Aqua and Magma: the green-coloured Team Quaz, and the orange Team C.C.A.C.C., who both compound the legendary plotline considerably. I want to do Wally and May much better service as rivals, too. This I claim, and so on. /endzizek


The plot of SwowS is based on Pokémon Emerald originally, but it’s been deepened and reshaped a lot. I think a good parallel would be Black and White compared to B2W2 in terms of changes.

Right out of the gate, you’re informed by your mother that you won’t be staying in Littleroot, but instead moving to Petalburg to live with your father. He has a house there, as well! (Hooray, housing shortage resolved!) Professor Birch also gives you all three starters to venture out with, along with the one you battled the Zigzagoon with.

Team Quaz has gotten wise to the schemes of Team Magma and Aqua, and devised a plan to Shanghai their aspirations to capture Groudon and Kyogre by instead capturing Rayquaza, to rule over the two. In yet another twist, Team C.C.A.C.C. has done their research better than their rivals, and is actually striving to capture all three! They studied some ruins the others overlooked and believe the only way it will work is if they capture the whole trio. How on earth will you stop this impending disaster!?

Features and tech details

  • Developed with the pokeemerald disassembly! Check it out on Git!
  • Several new rare items, including Big Nugget, Pearl String, Comet Shard, and even the totally new Comet Dust!
  • Totally revised maps and events, complete with music and layout changes!
  • I’m a pro C programmer, and I’m totally up for gameplay feature suggestions! Drop me a reply, catch me on Twitter or join the Discord to share!


[Screen shoots]