
NUSWhispers source. Laravel 5 + AngularJS setup.

Primary LanguageCSS

NUS Whispers

Laravel 5 + AngularJS setup. Development environment powered by Laravel Homestead (modified).


Setting Up

  • Install Vagrant and VirtualBox if you have not done so.

  • Install vagrant-hostmanager by running the following command:

    $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
  • Run the development environment by running the following command:

    $ vagrant up
  • After you have regained control of your terminal, SSH the virtual terminal by running:

    $ vagrant ssh
  • Ensure that the dependencies are installed by checking the presence of node_modules and bower_components in ~/sites/nuswhispers. If they are not there, run npm and bower to ensure that the dependencies are installed by running:

    $ cd /home/vagrant/sites/nuswhispers
    $ npm install
    $ bower install
  • If everything is running perfectly, you should be able to access the website by requesting http://nuswhispers.local with your web browser.


If you are developing the frontend (AngularJS), run gulp to automatically compile the scripts:

$ cd /home/vagrant/sites/nuswhispers
$ gulp
