
Terraform AWS free tier, EC2/ECR/RDS/EFS/DynamoDB/Lambda/S3. Docker running on EC2, Traefik reverse proxy, Lets Encrypt, dynamic DNS, OpenVPN(TODO)

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform AWS Free Tier

Getting started with the Terraform for managing a base free-tier AWS resources.

Project description

This is a Terraform project for managing AWS resources.

It can build the next infrastructure:

Architecture Diagram


Pre steps

  1. Install software
    • Install infrastructure tools
brew install terraform awscli
  • Install general development tools
brew install make yq zip curl
  • Install PYTHON
brew install pyenv
  • Install GO
brew install golang
  • Install JAVA
brew install jenv java11
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
brew tap cargo-lambda/cargo-lambda
brew install cargo-lambda
  1. Create AWS account
  2. If the file ~/.aws/credentials doesn't exist, create it and add you Terraform profile to the file. For example:
   aws_access_key_id = Your access key
   aws_secret_access_key = Your secret access key 
  1. Check AWS account
aws sts get-caller-identity
  1. Create S3 bucket to store Terraform state
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket world-terraform --region us-east-1
  1. Create config file config.tf that will contain information how to store state in a given bucket. See example.

  2. Create SSH key pair to connect to EC2 instance:

cd ./src/free-tier/provision/access

# it creates "free-tier-ec2-key" private key and "free-tier-ec2-key.pub" public key
ssh-keygen -f free-tier-ec2-key
  1. Adds SSH private key identities to the authentication agent
ssh-add src/free-tier/provision/access/free-tier-ec2-key

Build infrastructure

  • Install Python
pyenv install 3.8.16
cd ./src/free-tier/python
pyenv local 3.8.16
  • Install Java
jenv enable-plugin gradle
  • Build lambda samples
cd ./src/free-tier/lambda/samples
make all
cd ./src/free-tier
terraform init -backend-config="./backend/config.tf"
cd ./src/free-tier
terraform plan
cd ./src/free-tier
terraform apply

Post install

ip=$(aws ec2 describe-instances | 
      yq 'select(.Reservations[].Instances[].State.Code == 16) | .Reservations[].Instances[].NetworkInterfaces[].PrivateIpAddresses[].Association.PublicIp')
echo $ip
  • Edit /etc/hosts add "aws" host name
sudo bash -c "echo $ip aws >> /etc/hosts"
  • Add SSH public key from EC2 server
ssh-keygen -R aws
ssh-keyscan -H aws >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  • Install EPEL, Postgres 14 packages
ssh ec2-user@aws "sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel postgresql14 -y"
  • Upgrade Linux and install packages
ssh ec2-user@aws "sudo yum update && sudo yum upgrade -y && sudo yum install -y netcat openvpn postgresql docker python3-pip htop"
  • Install Docker compose, configuration
ssh ec2-user@aws "sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user && sudo pip3 install docker-compose"
ssh ec2-user@aws "sudo systemctl enable docker.service && sudo systemctl start docker.service && systemctl status docker.service"
  • Edit src/docker/env-duckdns.sh
  • Edit src/docker/docker-compose.yaml, set email and Duckdns subdomain TODO

  • Edit src/docker/conf/users.txt TODO

  • Copy Docker files

ssh ec2-user@aws "mkdir -p docker/conf"
scp src/docker/docker-compose.yaml src/docker/env-duckdns.sh ec2-user@aws:./docker/
scp src/docker/conf/dynamic_conf.yml ec2-user@aws:./docker/conf/dynamic_conf.yml
scp src/docker/conf/users.txt ec2-user@aws:./docker/conf/users.txt
  • Start Docker containers
ssh ec2-user@aws "cd docker && docker-compose up -d"



  • Duckdns logs
ssh ec2-user@aws "cd docker && docker-compose logs duckdns"


  • Traefik logs
ssh ec2-user@aws "cd docker && docker-compose logs traefik"


aws rds describe-db-instances | yq
  • Get Postgres endpoint
address=$(aws rds describe-db-instances | yq '.DBInstances[] | select(.DBName=="labdb") | .Endpoint.Address')
port=$(aws rds describe-db-instances | yq '.DBInstances[] | select(.DBName=="labdb") | .Endpoint.Port')
echo $address:$port
  • Check Postgres routing from EC2
ssh ec2-user@aws "nc -v $address $port"
  • Postgres cli
ssh ec2-user@aws psql --host $address --port $port --username postgres

AWS DynamoDB

aws dynamodb list-tables | yq


aws efs describe-file-systems | yq
aws efs describe-access-points | yq
filesystem_id=$(aws efs describe-file-systems | yq '.FileSystems[] | select(.Name=="free-tier-efs") | .FileSystemId')
echo $filesystem_id
aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $filesystem_id | yq
  • Get NFS IP address
nfs_ip=$(aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id $filesystem_id | yq '.MountTargets[] | select (.AvailabilityZoneName=="us-east-1a") | .IpAddress')
echo $nfs_ip
  • Check NFS routing from EC2
ssh ec2-user@aws "nc -v $nfs_ip 2049"

AWS API Gateway

aws apigatewayv2 get-apis | yq
endpoint=$(aws apigatewayv2 get-apis | yq '.Items[] | select (.Name=="free-tier-api-gateway") | .ApiEndpoint')
echo $endpoint
  • Run lambda Python
curl "$endpoint/api/python"

Open VPN

Destroy infrastructure

cd ./src/free-tier
terraform destroy

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