Space Engineers on Docker

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PixPan Studios presents Space Engineers on Docker. It utilizes the microsoft/windowsservercore:1803 windows container image.


If there is a new Space Engineers server release, simply redeploy the container.

docker run \
    -t \
    -i \
    -d \
    -p 27016:27016/udp \
    -p 1973:1973 \
    -v <C:/path/to/server-instance>:C:/data \

New Scenario

Create a SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg file with the SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe console program. Save this to C:\data on the container.

Import Save

Copy the Saves directory into C:\data. Edit the LastSession.sbl document and change the <Path>c:\path\to\save</Path> to take into account the new location.

Save and Exit Gracefully

Unfortunately the VRage remote client doesn't have a save or quit feature. you will need to execute the following command on the docker container to prompt a save:

C:\> taskkill /IM SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe

If this command fails to stop the server, you will just need to wait for the autosave time to pass and then stop the container normally.

Orchestration Notes

If you're running this container in a Kubernetes pod or some other orchestration engine, Change the Upgrade Policy to stop old pods, then start new. Scaling, HA and FT have not been tested and are not likely a focus for Keen SWH development efforts.

More Info

For more information on Space Engineers Dedicated Servers, visit:


This image is designed to self-update both SteamCMD and Space Engineers everytime a container is created or started. This is a departure from the "Docker Way", however is necessary due to a current lack of visibility for updates.


Space Engineers is still in a beta state. There will be rapid development on the Dedicated Server experience, but for now make note of the current limitations:

  • There is no way to manually save your data at this time. Be sure you exit gracefully (see above)
  • SEDS Console runs in a new console that cannot be captured. The rolling logs you see are exactly that, the log file being tailed.
  • There is no way to create a new scenario from the console. You must create it with a local copy of SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe and save the config file as SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg to the C:\data folder.

Automated Build

This automated build is done on Travis-CI as it is (currently) the only free-to-use Open Source platform that supports Windows build machines. If you wish to fork this project, be sure to create $docker_username and $docker_password on Travis as secret environment variables.