This program emulates the board game 'Monopoly'. It creates a class RealEstateGame, through which the entire game can be played. The rules are as follows: Each player starts at space 0 ('GO'), with a specified amount of money. Players take turns 'rolling' a six-sided die, and move around the board (25 spaces including GO). Each time a player 'circles' the board (either passes or lands on GO) they receive a specified amount of money. Each space (other than GO) has a 'Property' available for purchase, with an accompanying 'Rent'. The purchase price is equal to 5x the Rent. If a player purchases the property, each subsequent player who lands on that property must pay the 'Owner' Rent. If a player cannot afford the Rent, the player sends their remaining funds to the Owner, loses all their purchased properties, and is no longer involved in the game. The game is over when there is only 1 player remaining with a non-zero account balance.