This application is created as part of my ASP.NET Core + React learning journey.
- React UI - CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) of Shopping Item.
- React UI - Add new Shopping Item dynamically.
- React UI - Filter items using search box
- ASP.NET Core Web API - CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using LinqToDB to Microsoft SQL Server.
The application uses the following libraries:
- CSS Grid Layout
- React
- LinqToDB to Microsoft SQL Server
The framework used in this application:
- .NET Core 3.1
The IDEs which are being used to develop this application:
- Visual Studio Code 1.44.0 for the React frontend
- Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 16.5.2 for the ASP.NET Core Web API REST Services (Prerequisite)
- SQL Server Management Studio v18.4 (SSMS)
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition for the backend database (Prerequisite)
The tool used in this application:
- create-react-app
The JavaScript Runtime used by this application:
- Node.js v12.16.1 (installed using NVM for Windows 1.1.7) (Prerequisite)
- Install the required (Prerequisite)
- Use SSMS to run the DatabaseSchema.sql to create the ShoppingList database.
- Use SSMS to run the DataSeed.sql to seed data.
- Open ShoppingList.sln in the shoppinglist-api\ShoppingList folder by using Visual Studio 2019 and press F5 to start the backend REST Services.
- Open shoppinglist-ui folder by using Visual Studio Code/any React supported IDE and type npm start in the Terminal (press Ctrl + Shift + ` to start new Terminal in Visual Studio Code) to run the React app. You will see one data will be shown which is based on the data populated in the DataSeed.sql.
- Authentication
- Calendar component
- Form Validation
- Exception Management
- Logging
- Unit Testing
- Deploy to Azure
For any issue and feedback, please help to post it into Issues
Thank you and have a nice day. 😃