Primary LanguageR

R package PMS


PMS(Posterior Mean Screening) is a variable screening method constructed from the Bayesian framework. Different from other variable screening methods, the PMS method could incorporate both prior mean and prior covariance matrix information systematically. We construct the specific formulation of screening statistics under several different prior structures.

Install from Github

If the following R packages: devtools, mcmc, truncnorm, glmnet have not been installed, we should install them first:


And then, install package PMS from Github with



The code for documentation page:


An example

rs = 9#signal to noise ratio
n = 200
p = 10000
theta = 1e-3
beta_nonzero = c(3,3,3,3,3,-7.5)
dat = data_gen(n,p,rs,beta_nonzero)
S_0 = c(2,6)
Lambda = Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=c(1:p),j=c(1:p),x = rep(1,p))
Lambda_s =  Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=c(1:2),j=c(1:2),x = rep(1,2))
PMS = pms_screening(x = dat$x,y = dat$y,family = "gaussian",
method = "selection",Lambda = Lambda,Lambda_s = Lambda_s,
theta = theta,selected_num = p,idx_s = S_0)$pms_select

Another example for imaging data

# read mask file
maskfile <- file.path(system.file("nifti", package="PMS"),"MNI-maxprob-thr0-2mm.nii.gz")
mask <- oro.nifti::readNIfTI(maskfile)
# read multiple image files on brain mask
imgfiles <- file.path(system.file("nifti", package="PMS"),sprintf("VBM_example_0%d.nii.gz",1:5))
img_dat <- fast_read_imgs_mask(imgfiles,maskfile)
#find neighboring voxels
img1 <- oro.nifti::readNIfTI(imgfiles[1])
nb <- find_brain_image_neighbors(img1, mask, radius=1)
# simulate data based on the image spatial structure
n = 500
p = ncol(img_dat)
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p),nrow=n,ncol=p)
beta_coef = rep(0,length=ncol(img_dat))
true_idx = nb$mask_img_nb[249,]
beta_coef[true_idx] = 1
y = x%*%beta_coef + rnorm(nrow(img_dat),sd=0.1)
nb_cor <- 0.99
rho <- rep(-log(nb_cor)/4,length=ncol(img_dat))
res <- fast_PMS_local_spatial(x=x, y = y, coords=nb$maskcoords,neighbors=nb$mask_img_nb,num_neighbors=nb$num_neighbors, rho = rho)


Jie He and Jian Kang (2020) Prior knowledge guided ultra-high dimensional variable screening with application to neuroimaging data. Statistica Sinica, In Press.