
Logging data from the Drayton Wiser Heating Hub, storing it in AWS DynamoDB, and then graphing the results

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Wiser Logging

I like data, I like graphs, and I have a 'smart' Drayton Wiser central heating system in my house. After a quick search in Google, I found this repository and decided that I wanted to do a small personal project to retrieve and graph my temperature data. It was a good way to try and improve my knowledge of Python and AWS DynamoDB too.

Basic flow:

  1. Run the code at every quarter hour
  2. Iterate through all the rooms connected to the Wiser Hub and store in a dictionary (The hub automatically averages if there are multiple devices in a single room, i.e. two TRVs)
  3. Retrieve the local temperature and humidity from 'Open Weather Maps' and store in the same dictionary
  4. Upload the dictionary to AWS DynamoDB (using 'boto3').

The end goal is to graph the data on a website, but that will be a seperate project.


  1. A Drayton Wiser heating system
  2. An AWS account (which includes a certrain number of free Dynamo transactions)
  3. An 'Open Weather Maps' API key (free)
  4. A tolerance for reading / using code that was written by a complete amateur


  1. A Google Cloud API key (you could just find your coordinates and put them in the gmap.params config file)

Parameter files

At the moment, I've created a seperate parameters file for each external service (i.e. Google, Wiser, Open Weather Maps), just because I wasn't sure of the final structure and it makes it easier to move things around. The format of those files is as follows:


Used to store your location, to avoid having to query the Google Maps API every time). You can probably get away with 1 decimal place on the coordinates, but I would use 2 to ensure I get my nearest weather station (Google does it to 5 or 6 DPs).



Used to store your AWS Dynamo credentials. The recommendation would be for a unique IAM account (this will give the access and secret key) with read and write access to DynamoDB only. You would then chose whichever AWS region you want to use (You get a large allocation of free transactions, so probably chose the one closest!)



Optional, if you intend to get your coordinates automatically (I already had the code for another project, so I thoughts I'd include it)



You can create a free account to access the APIs from Open Weather Maps. You could replace this with another service, but I was struggling to find one that offered current weather conditions for free, with a station near me. I've used metric units (Centigrade). If you don't specify, it does Kelvin, which isn't terribly helpful in this application. You may have to check the code if you chose anything other °C.



If you hven't got a Drayton Wiser system, then this is all a bit pointless! You can find out how to get your details from here


Running the code on a automatic schedule:

I need to put something here, but you basically setup a cronjob