Nick Barth - Adyen Homework


🚀 Run Locally

npm install
gatsby develop

🦀 Notes

The situation I pictured, Jamie was indecisive, and needed help being told where to work for the next week. So after leaving Bali, she was shown the average temperature for the next week and cost of airfare from Bali -> N. Additionally, we calculated a Z-score for each location, with 50% of weight on each weather + airfare, this way she could easily assess which office she wanted to go to. I wanted to make it a bit cutesy as well, because she was going back to work from vacation, so I wanted to get her excited, thus the confetti.

In the future, I would use Geolocation to say where she was instead of arbitrarily choosing Bali. I would also compare the airfare from each office, to nearly everywhere else! I would do temperature graphs over time, line charts would look nice. This way we could deliver a better score. I just decided while writing this READ.ME I would add line charts for temperature over the next week. Brb 5 minutes.

The accuweather api is limited on calls, and as I didnt do caching, and I'm sending 3 requests every page load, we may run into some issues if we get popular, so I put some fake data in there as a backup if the api says no way jose.

The assignment was supossed to take 4 hours, I clocked myself at a little under 5 mainly because I was messing around with confetti.

Things I didn't do but probably should have done:

  • Error handling
  • Tooltips to explain what a z-score is
  • Testing
  • TypeScript
  • Caching
  • Performance monitoring

Thanks for providing me with a challenge that allows me to exercise creativity, this was enjoyable.