
Ruby WeMo Device API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

WeMo Device API

Forked from: https://github.com/jordanbyron/wemo

WeMo -----> Device
     -----> Bridge ------> EndDevice
                   ------> Group


require 'wemo'

# Find all WeMo light switches on your network
switches = WeMo.light_switches

# Find all WeMo Link devices
bridges = WeMo.bridges

# Find all devices under a WeMo Link
end_devices = bridges.first.devices

# Pick one you'd like to work with
basement_floods = switches.find {|s| s.name == "Basement Floods" }
light_group = bridges.devices.find{|s| s.name == "Kitchen"}

# Find out if a normal switch is on or off
# => true

# Find out the current status of a WeMo Link Device
# => {
#    "10006" => "1",   # on/off state
#    "10008" => "153:0", # dimmer level: transition time [0-255]:[time-in-seconds]
#    "30008" => "0:0", # sleep timer
#    "30009" => nil,
#    "3000A" => nil

# Turn it off

# Turn it on

# Dim the light bulb / group
kitchen.dim(0.5, 5) # brightness in 0.0-1.0 fractions, transition time in seconds

# Get the current brightness of a light bulb / group

# Get an outlet instead
outlets = WeMo.outlets.first

# Get all WeMo devices on the network

Nick: TODO

Implement Lightbulb capabilities: Change colour