
An app to help you decide where to eat

Primary LanguageHTML


"The App to Meet 'N Eat."

Site URL


Image of homepage

What it is

Meal Mate is a website that aims to simplify the dinner decision.


  • HTML / CSS / Bulma / JavaScript / Jquery / Node.js / Sequelize / Express / Handlebars


User story

  • AS two people are hungry and trying to come to a decision where to eat. I WANT an easy way to see local restaurants and compare with each other which one we like. SO THAT we can decide on a restaurant.
  • GIVEN a location input
  • WHEN I enter a location THEN I am given 20 restaurants inside that radius.
  • WHEN I like a restaurant THEN I am submitting it for a match.
  • WHEN I dislike a restaurant THEN I am shown the next restaurant near me.
  • WHEN a match is made THEN we go to eat there.

Upcoming Features

  • Alert the other user if there was a match
  • Have a list of restaurants that were “liked”
  • Have strangers meet up
  • Implement Google Maps API
  • Add CSS animations
