
Adhoc Wifi Setup for Devices

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ad-hoc WiFi / Device Setup

To run server manually

  1. ssh in as pi user (password: raspberry)
  2. stop daemon service sudo /etc/init.d/coder-daemon stop
  3. change to coder user sudo su coder (make sure coder user has bash profile in /etc/passwd)
  4. start server cd /home/coder/coder-dist/coder-base && /opt/node/bin/node server.js

Reset Button

Hook up a momentary push button to pin 18 on the RPi's GPIO, and connect the ground. This will reset /home/weather/config.json and /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf



  • momentary push button to reset WiFi

Put a reset.txt on the boot drive in the coder_settings folder. That'll force you through the password setting and wifi setup again.

There's also a subfolder called reset_files. Inside there is a file called wpasupplicant or something like that. That's the default wifi settings. If you don't want to reset your password, just copy this file and paste it into the coder_settings directory to update the wifi settings only.

  • internet connectivity

adjust light code to ping Google every 10 seconds (for internet connection), and ping weather service every 10 minutes