JDI Light project template

For run new UI test autoamtion just download and open this project Powered by JDI Light and Selenium


  1. Download template and unpack in appropriate folder

  2. Open project in IDE (for exampel IntelliJIdea)

  3. For running demo tests:

  4. Logs: Observe test run results in Console log http://pix.my/o/CEtiOQ?1547398216

  5. Reporting: Afterrunning tests copy paste allure-results folder in to target folder. Run allure:serve in maven plugins http://pix.my/o/5KPsyr?1547398089

  6. Use as template for your project:

    • just remove all content from src/main/.../example folder, add your package you Page Objects
    • replace tests in src/test/.../example folder with your tests
  7. TestNg Retry and before after listners: You can also modify rules of retry tests (now it is 1 retry for each test) and actions before/after all tests (now it prints test name and result) in org.mytests.tests.testng folder