
Urbit provider whitelisting of clients

Primary Languagehoon


Restrict access to your provider Gall app with these plug-in library and types.

The whitelist type

The whitelist type contains two ?s: public and kids, and two sets: users and groups.

Attribute Type Description
public ? Whether provider is publically accessible.
kids ? Whether provider is accessible to kids of provider.
users (set ship) Specific @ps to whom provider is accessible.
groups (set resource) Groups whose members will have access.

If a ship is a member of one or more of these attributes, it will be whitelisted (see Restricting access below).

App state

Your app will need to maintain a whitelist state. It is recommended to initialize the whitelist with public and kids set to %.n, so that providers must explicitly enable connections from the outside.

Restricting access

To restrict access to a particular feature of the provider, say, a poke with a certain mark, branch on the is-allowed generator. This is the same pattern as restricting access to a poke to our and moons using team:title. For example, in the pseudocode below, pokes with %payload mark are only served to ships belonging to the whitelist:

?-    mark
  ?.  (is-allowed:wl-lib src.bowl whitelist.state bowl)
    :: Reject request: not on whitelist.
  :: Accept request: on whitelist.
  =^  cards  state
  (handle-payload !<(payload vase))
  [cards this]
  :: Handle other marks...

Modifying the whitelist

Add a poke mark of %whitelist-command to your Gall app. If your app state contains a whitelist as recommended, an example code snippet from a switch over poke marks is

?-    mark
  ?>  (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
  =^  cards  whitelist.state
  %:  handle-command:wl-lib
      !<(command:wl vase)
  [cards this]
  :: Handle other marks...

where wl and wl-lib are the faces given to sur/whitelist.hoon and lib/whitelist.hoon, respectively, upon import.

Using the snippet above, modifications to the whitelist might look like (for the Gall app ursr-provider):

:: Make provider public.
:ursr-provider &whitelist-command [%add-whitelist ~[%public]]

:: Remove permission from kids.
:ursr-provider &whitelist-command [%remove-whitelist ~[%kids]]

:: Add specific ship(s) to whitelist.
:ursr-provider &whitelist-command [%add-whitelist [%users (silt ~[~hosted-fornet ~hosted-labweb])]]

:: Remove specific ship(s) from whitelist.
:ursr-provider &whitelist-command [%remove-whitelist [%users (silt ~[~hosted-fornet])]]

:: Add group to whitelist (i.e. group membership means a ship can use your provider).
:ursr-provider &whitelist-command [%remove-whitelist [%groups (silt ~[[~wisdem-hosted-labweb %homunculus]])]]

A subtlety: clean-client-list

When removing users from the whitelist, %kicks can be %given to a path. This behavior is controlled by the client-path=(unit path) argument of handle-command. If ~ is passed to client-path, no %kick cards will be returned. If a non-null (unit path) is given, however, %kicks will be issued on that path. For example, the snippet above will not return any %kick cards, since ~ is passed for client-path. To modify it to kick on /client-path:

?-    mark
  ?>  (team:title our.bowl src.bowl)
  =^  cards  whitelist.state
  %:  handle-command:wl-lib
      !<(command:wl vase)
      [~ /client-path]
  [cards this]
  :: Handle other marks...

Whitelist in action

Some Gall apps that make use of the Whitelist toolkit include:

Message me at ~hosted-fornet or send a PR on the Whitelist repo if you make use of Whitelist and want your Gall app included on this list.


Code ripped from ~timluc-miptevs btc-agents, with modifications.