These are some experiments to understand how to use WIT files for process APIs in Kinode OS.
We already use WIT files for our processes -- which are Wasm components.
These experiements are to see if we can define libraries using WIT/Wasm, where the WIT file takes on the form of a header file and the Wasm file takes on the form of a .so
Speculation on how to make these easy to use in kit
These are very much "personal note" level notes and this is still a WIP:
can either write code to derive the wit file from eg rust code OR require that users write it
it'd be nice to offer tools for deriving
however users will have to read either wit file or smth derived from it to understand interface
so either need templates or tools for deriving or both, but also discussion of HOW TO because users will need to write them
build process should ideally detect the existence of api, build it and publish it along w package, and compose it; without any work from user
are APIs for processes or packages?
APIs in metadata.json or manifest.json or elsewhere?
what about multiple deps, ie my process/package imports 2 apis?
what about nested deps, ie foo deps on bar and baz deps on foo?
api consists of one or two files:
- wit
- wasm
Could do, e.g.:
- api defined in metadata.json
- api wit & wasm tar'd in pkg
should we republish APIs we depend on? If we don't, we risk hosts going offline
maybe we just require mirroring of APIs we consume
is nesting real?
do we actually ever want to export functions? Probably. Libs
unrelated: kit tool for upgrading an existing process to current v?
would look like a stepwise update from previous to current