
These are some experiments to understand how to use WIT files for process APIs in Kinode OS. We already use WIT files for our processes -- which are Wasm components. These experiements are to see if we can define libraries using WIT/Wasm, where the WIT file takes on the form of a header file and the Wasm file takes on the form of a .so file.

Some important links




Speculation on how to make these easy to use in kit

These are very much "personal note" level notes and this is still a WIP:

  • can either write code to derive the wit file from eg rust code OR require that users write it

  • it'd be nice to offer tools for deriving

  • however users will have to read either wit file or smth derived from it to understand interface

  • so either need templates or tools for deriving or both, but also discussion of HOW TO because users will need to write them

  • build process should ideally detect the existence of api, build it and publish it along w package, and compose it; without any work from user

  • are APIs for processes or packages?

  • APIs in metadata.json or manifest.json or elsewhere?

  • what about multiple deps, ie my process/package imports 2 apis?

  • what about nested deps, ie foo deps on bar and baz deps on foo?

  • api consists of one or two files:

    • wit
    • wasm
  • Could do, e.g.:

    • api defined in metadata.json
    • api wit & wasm tar'd in pkg
  • should we republish APIs we depend on? If we don't, we risk hosts going offline

  • maybe we just require mirroring of APIs we consume

  • is nesting real?

  • do we actually ever want to export functions? Probably. Libs

  • unrelated: kit tool for upgrading an existing process to current v?

  • would look like a stepwise update from previous to current