
Notebook Based on Julia

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Jupyter notebook in Julia

With Julia interpreter running in Bash, execute the following: which imports IJulia, sets working directory, opens Jupyter notebook Dashboard in a browser window:

using IJulia

The following is executed internally, for example:

Process(setenv(`/root/.julia/v0.5/Conda/deps/usr/bin/jupyter notebook`; dir="/home/foo/Documents/JL"), ProcessExited(0))

conditional execution

To execute a conditional statement, use if, else and else:

weather = "sunny"

if weather == "sunny" println("Enjoy the sunshine.")
println("Put on your sunglasses.")
elseif name == "cloudy" println("Relax in the shade.")
else println("Sleeping.")  # same line: 'else', 'println'


To execute a for loop, use for() function to iterate through start/finish values, for example:

for i in 1:3 println("i = $i ") end

Ref. For loops and iteration

DataFrames package

Add DataFrames package to Julia:


First import DataFrames package, then execute DataFrame() function:

using DataFrames
df = DataFrame(column_one=["Row 1", "Row 2"], column_two=[100, 200])

Plots package

Add Plots package to Julia:


First import Plots package, then execute plot() function to output sine wave display:

using Plots
plot(sin, -2pi, pi, label="sine function")

Julia Plot.jl couples plotly-latest.min.js to the plot() function. For example in the .ipynb file, the following executes internally:

define('plotly', function(require, exports, module)...

nbconvert to html

ipython3 nbconvert --to html dataframe.ipynb

QuantEcon library

Install the QuantEcon library:


Import tauchen function from the QuantEcon library, then calculate stochastic matrix:

using QuantEcon: tauchen
tauchen(4, 0.9, 1.0)
