
My personal portfolio site

Primary LanguageHTML

Personal Portfolio


created fixed position, full width navbar with menu links that change to a burger menu on small screens.
-added underline using border property to further highlight active tab.
-made navbar-brand a link as well that takes the user to index.html. screenshot of home page with burger menu screenshot of home page with burger menu expanded


fixed position, full width footer with social media links centered both vertically and horizontally.
-used font awesome for icons.
-added title property to icons so that the icon name will display on hover.

index/ home:

screenshot of home page top screenshot of home page middle screenshot of home page (mobile)


created full width jumbotron with a branding statement and link to contact page.
-changed the typefaces and weights to make it look more dynamic.

skills icons:

created a list of icons to represent skills known (or will be known by course completion) using icons from font awesome.
-used columns to place icons and to ensure correct positioning when resized.
-added a label to each icon.


using rows and columns I created a spread of project images that resize and change layout depending on screen size.
-added transform property to images that cause them to zoom in on hover.


added contact information using rows and columns that when clicked that the user to the approiate page.


created a dynamic layout using rows and columns that changes from two columns on larger sceens to one column on smaller screens with no padding or margins between images. screenshot of contact page (desktop) screenshot of contact page (mobile)

contact page:

Using nested rows and columns created a layout that resizes and changes the order of the columns and rows depending on screen size. screenshot of contact page (desktop) screenshot of contact page (mobile)

link to deployed site: