Can Many-Shot In-Context Learning Help Long-Context LLM Judges?
See More, Judge Better!

In this work, we propose and study two versions of many-shot in-context prompts, Reinforced and Unsupervised ICL, for helping GPT-4o-as-a-Judge in single answer grading. The former uses in-context examples with model-generated rationales, and the latter without. Based on the designed prompts, we investigate the impact of scaling the number of in-context examples on the agreement and quality of the evaluation. Furthermore, we first reveal the symbol bias in GPT-4o-as-a-Judge for pair-wise comparison and then propose a simple yet effective approach to mitigate it. Experimental results show that advanced long-context LLMs, such as GPT-4o, perform better in the many-shot regime than in the zero-shot regime. Meanwhile, the experimental results further verify the effectiveness of the symbol bias mitigation approach.

Please find more details of this work in the paper.

Reinforced ICL for GPT-4o-as-a-Judge in Single Answer Grading

Unsupervised ICL for GPT-4o-as-a-Judge in Single Answer Grading


If you use this benchmark, please cite this paper

      title={Can Many-Shot In-Context Learning Help Long-Context LLM Judges? See More, Judge Better!}, 
      author={Mingyang Song and Mao Zheng and Xuan Luo},


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NAME: Mingyang Song