
A project from Nashville Software School Bootcamp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Instinctive-Echidnas Nutshell project

  • Mark :rage3:
  • Helen 👸
  • Daniel 💂‍♂️
  • Nick :neckbeard:

Please see below for instructions to run our application

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD):

ERD for Instinctive Echidnas

Dependency Tree

dependency tree for Instinctive Echidnas

  • Main.js requring login and dashboard and using a conditional to display one and session storage.

  • We need instructions for running our app below

  • Login Page -- Nick

Application Instructions

First, what the hell is an Echidna

  • going to google and typing, 'define echidna' results in, "a spiny insectivorous egg-laying mammal with a long snout and claws, native to Australia and New Guinea."
  • have node.js installed, as well as json-server, grunt, and browserify--and any dependencies
  • git clone https://github.com/Instinctive-Echidnas/nutshell.git
  • run an npm install in the directory with the package.json
  • navigate to lib folder and run grunt
  • navigate to api folder and run json-server -p 8088 -w EchidnaDatabase.json
  • navigate to dist folder with index.html and run hs -o