
Add a HaveIBeenPwned check to your ADFS themes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This script gets the sha1 hash of the submitted password and checks it against the phenomenally wonderful HaveIBeenPwned API. Pwned passwords will result in a warning message and the end user will not be able to continue login (without fiddling around with developer tools). You may set a minimum threshold of password pwnage, 1 being most stringent.

2022-04-01 12_07_58-Sign In - Brave


  • Set the min_pwnage to your desired amount
  • Set the change_password_url, or set it to an empty string
  • Add the contents of this js file to the end of your ADFS theme's onload.js file. Microsoft docs


  • There is no check to verify the submitted password is correct, that comes after the API call.
  • If the HaveIBeenPwned API is unavailable or unresponsive from the end user's perspective, the login will continue without the check.
  • If the API call takes longer than 2 seconds to complete, the check is aborted and the login will continue.