
A node key value store backed by sqlite3 that supports expiring keys and wildcards

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

@nickadam/kv Build Status

A simple key value database backed by sqlite3


  • Auto-expiring entries
  • Wildcard matching
  • Synchronous and asynchronous formats
  • In-memory database (great for testing)
  • Store and retrieve native objects (no need to serialize)


npm install @nickadam/kv




const kv = require('@nickadam/kv')('/path/to/file.db')

kv.set('mykey', {stuff: 'things'})

const data = kv.get('mykey')

console.log(data) // {stuff: 'things'}



const kv = require('@nickadam/kv')('/path/to/file.db')

kv.set('mykey', {stuff: 'things'}, err => {
  if(err) return err

  kv.get('mykey', (err, data) => {

    console.log(data) // {stuff: 'things'}

Set entries to expire using the ttl option.

kv.set('mykey', {stuff: 'things'}, {ttl: 10}) // expires in 10 seconds

Get a list of values matching keys with the wildcard *.

kv.set('mykey', {stuff: 'things'})

kv.set('yourkey', 100)

const data = kv.get('*key')

console.log(data) // [{stuff: 'things'}, 100]

Get the metadata associated with entries using the metadata option.

kv.set('mykey', {stuff: 'things'})

const data = kv.get('mykey', {metadata: true})

  k: 'mykey',
  v: { stuff: 'things' },
  ttl: -1,
  timestamp: '2021-06-06 12:27:58'

Delete entries

kv.del('mykey', err => {
  // check err and do stuff

Use an ephemeral in-memory database with the path :memory:

const kv = require('@nickadam/kv')(':memory:')

More information

* are not permitted in key names.

Expired entries are deleted at startup. For long running applications, a background job will delete expired entries once a minute - so long as you do not execute kv.quit(). Expired entries that have not yet been deleted will not return.

Values are encoded and decoded using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.

This database was built using these amazing projects: