
An exercise in adaptive layout for iOS

Primary LanguageSwift

COSC2471/2472 iPhone Software Engineering - Assg. 1

Completed by Nicholas Amor, s3240873, 11/04/2016

This app (currently nameless) is a simple social networking app.

How to use

Log as user bob with password bob. The main screen has 4 tabs: Friend feed, followers, following, and me/settings.

The friend feed shows yours and your friends posts. You can tap new post (+ in the top right) to draft a new post. You can tap on a post to see what your friends have said about it, and make a reply of your own (reply button at the bottom of replies).

The followers/following pages show who's following you, and who you are following. You can tap a user to see their details, and follow that user with the press of a button. You can click the search button to find users too.

The Me page shows your details. Tapping on each detail allows you to edit it. From here you can also log out.