
Some resources to learn about topics in Cyber Security

A Repository of resources to learn Cyber Security Topics From:

I will try to break the resources in Major Categories and then break them down into more niche topics when needed :). Please feel free to make a pull request with a resource you wanna add or if you wanna make some Contributions as well. Also this library is not complete i will be adding more resources as I come across them. If you have any Feedback feel free to reach out to me.

Starting Out:

This section will have some of the resources i used when i was starting in the field of Cybersecurity and some i feel would help people out in getting their knowledge up in the field of CyberSecurity.

  1. Tryhackme : https://tryhackme.com/ : This is hands down the best resource in my humble opinion to get started with, It has a lot walkthrough boxes, guides, and teaches you the basics very well i have learnt soo soo much from Tryhackme i would highly recommend to any one starting or even to someone who is InfoSec for a while as it has contents for all skill levels.

    1.1. I would highly recommend starting with the Begginer Path for which you would have to Pathy 10$ a month but its highly worth it and you get tons more things with it.

    1.2. If you dont want to get the Premium Subscription just yet try following the free path from Tryhackme which you can find here : https://blog.tryhackme.com/free_path/

  2. Hackthebox Academy : https://academy.hackthebox.eu/ : This is another resource that recently released but it is more on the paid side for most of their content but they do have some great and detailed free modules which i would highly recommend. Some of the free content includes stuff like Linux Fundamentals , Introduction to Networking, etc.

  3. Penetration Testing Student course from INE : https://checkout.ine.com/starter-pass :

This is another great resource to get started in Penetration Testing even if you have no prior background in IT, this course will help you out a lot and get you set with your Fundamentals in the field of Cybersecurity the PTS course is the course for their certification eJPT which I would highly recommend as well but it costs around 200$ for get 1 attempt which includes a free retake which is a very good price in my opinion.

  1. Hacker101 : https://www.hacker101.com/playlists/newcomers :

So if you are looking to get into the Field of Bug Bounty and Web Security this is a great resource to start with they have video tutorials / CTFs to test your skills and docs.

  1. TCM Practical Ethical Hacking Course : https://academy.tcm-sec.com/p/practical-ethical-hacking-the-complete-course :

This is another great resource i would highly recommend to anyone planning to get into the field of Cybersecurity , This course goes through a lot of topics like AD Hacking, Exploit Development, Networking, Scripting, Web Security, Network Security and much more and all of the content is very well explained and taught.

OSCP Preparation:

  1. OSCP Labs: https://www.offensive-security.com/pwk-oscp/ : [ $999 - $1400 ] : The best resource to start your preparation for the OSCP is the official labs as they provide a good overview of how and what to expect in the exam and its made to prepare you for the exam.

  2. Offensive Security Proving Grounds: https://portal.offensive-security.com/sign-up/pg : [ $20 per month ] This in my opinion is an amazing resource to study and prepare for the OSCP for as it provides a very good idea of how the difficulty works in Offsec exams etc. and i personally learned a lot of new things and techniques from the platform i would recommend mostly all of the Easy/Medium boxes (Some Boxes are preety hard, so dont worry if you can't get the boxes without Hints/Walkthroughs offered by Offsec on the Platform). If you can't do all the boxes i would highly recommend doing the boxes mentioned in TJNull List which i have mentioned later on.

  3. Virtual Hacking Labs : https://www.virtualhackinglabs.com/ : [ $99 per month ] : This is another great resource i stumbled accrosss while researching for OSCP and it turned out to be a great resource for preperation of the exam. Its a little expensive, but its a very good lab. They also have a course that they teach which is also very well laid out in case you want some extra preparation and material to learn from.

  4. TJ Null List : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dwSMIAPIam0PuRBkCiDI88pU3yzrqqHkDtBngUHNCw8/edit#gid=1839402159 : This is a very good list created by one of the mentors from Offsec called TJNull and its a list of basically boxes that are OSCP like and are good to prepare for the exam. It has boxes from all kinds of platform like HTB, Vulnhub, Tryhackme, Proving Grounds and so on.

Active Directory Penetration Testing:

So Active Directory is a very important topic a lot of people overlook in Cybersecurity so I wanted to point out some good resources i found to learn about Active Directory.

  1. Tryhackme Active Directory Basics : https://tryhackme.com/room/activedirectorybasics : [ Available with Tryhackme Premium : Paid ] : This is a great room that will give you the basic knowledge around Active Directory , it covers a lot of topics like how Active Directory is structured what it is, Active Directory on premise, on cloud, etc, what policies, trusts, forests are.

  2. Building an Active Directory Lab : https://robertscocca.medium.com/building-an-active-directory-lab-82170dd73fb4 : [Free] : What better way to learn about something then build it yourself you can use the basic knowledge you gained above and try to apply it here and make your own home lab you would have to have some RAM and storage to set it up but leaving that all VMs and everything is free . Even if you don't wanna make a lab i would recommend going through the article and getting some basic idea of how it would work.

  3. IRed Team : https://www.ired.team/ : [ Free ] This is another great resource to find some common offensive security techniques, red teaming techniques, and it has in depth details about the attacks they demonstrate.

  4. ADSecurity : https://adsecurity.org/ : This is another great resource to learn stuff for free about PowerShell, Enterprise Security, Active Directory security, methods to defend against such attacks, etc.

  5. CRTP : https://www.pentesteracademy.com/activedirectorylab : https://bootcamps.pentesteracademy.com/course/ad-beginner-may-21 : [Paid : Atleast 300$ for 30days ] : This is a paid resource but a very good one in this Nikhil Mittal who is a very known person in the field of Cyber Security teaches you Active Directory from the basics, some basics PowerShell commands, how AD works how to be stealthy in a RedTeaming engagement and some techniques, though in this case i would highly recommend the live boot camp as you can ask more questions etc. directly on spot.