A useless bot that fetches top meme posts from r/dogecoin which include 'Meme' flair. I shut my public api down in 2021, but decided to decouple the Reddit logic out of the api and into a stanalone library. Mostly using it to plug into this base project. Because....why not?
This bot was scaffolded with my base reddit bot
Subclass database client AbstractDbClient
and override it's abstract methods to interface with your db client(s)
import asyncio
from asyncpraw import models
from r_dogecoin_bot.clients.database import AbstractDbClient
from r_dogecoin_bot.main import DogecoinMemeBot
from r_dogecoin_bot.types import RedditClientConfig
from my_db_session_config import async_session
from my_schema import MySchema
class PostgresSubmissionDbClient(AbstractDbClient[models.Submission, MySchema]):
schema: MySchema = MySchema
async def process(cls, model: models.Submission) -> None:
async with async_session() as session:
my_model: MySchema = cls.schema(
"submission_title": model.title,
"submission_url": model.url,
"submission_id": model.id,
"permalink": model.permalink,
"author": model.author.name,
"created": model.created_utc,
await session.commit()
await session.refresh(my_model)
async def get_existing_ids(cls) -> List[str]:
async with async_session() as session:
result = await session.execute(
return result.scalars().all()
class MongoSubmissionDbClient(AbstractDbClient[models.Submission, MySchema]):
schema: MySchema = MySchema
async def process(cls, model: models.Submission) -> None:
async with async_session() as session:
data: MySchema = cls.schema(
"submission_title": model.title,
"submission_url": model.url,
"submission_id": model.id,
"permalink": model.permalink,
"author": model.author.name,
"created": model.created_utc,
await session["myschema_collection"].insert_one(data.dict())
async def get_existing_ids(cls) -> List[str]:
async with async_session() as session:
result = await session["meme_collection"].distinct("submission_id")
return result
async def main():
reddit_config: RedditClientConfig = dict(
bot = DogecoinMemeBot(
await bot.run()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Requires Poetry to manage dev environment. Once installed:
- install packages with
poetry install
- black
poetry run black .
- flake8
poetry run flake8
- test
poetry run pytest --cov=r_dogecoin_bot tests/
- build sdist
poetry build --format sdist
- create new setup.py
$ tar -xvf dist/*-`poetry version -s`.tar.gz -O '*/setup.py' > setup.py