
Geolocation app that incorporates leaflet.js


Geolocation app that incorporates leaflet for mapping services.

The plan for the app so far is to allow users to log into the application, connect to the location services and save map locations that they would like to visit.

Planned user interfaces:
-> login screen
-> home screen
-> enlarged map
-> settings screen
-> profile page
-> directions screen

Planned functionality:
-> GO TO settings
-> GO TO home
-> GO TO login screen (log out)
-> GO TO profile page
-> GO TO saved pins

-> CREATE pin location
-> EDIT saved pins

-> UPLOAD profile picture
-> CHANGE profile picture
-> CHANGE username
-> CHANGE password
-> CHECK location services
-> DELETE account (and return to login screen)

Planned plugins/libraries:
-> leaflet for interactive mapping
-> uppy for file uploads
-> iro.js for pin coloring
-> darkmode.js for darkmode
-> bun.js for checkboxes (deleting pins)
-> list.js to sort through pins
-> algolia places for address bar autofill