
An application that captures the processes of a small business. This kept track of the Purchase Orders that were coming in and out of the company.

Primary LanguageJava

#Iluminada Farms Purchase Order System

Background: Iluminada Farms is a private agricultural corporation that has many needs and equally many suppliers to fulfill these needs. The company does not always have the money to make these transactions; that is why the PO system is very useful. Summaries for all the PO transactions are important so the manager will be able to review all the transactions in a given period of time.

The variables that are involved in the company’s PO summary are the following:

  • PO Number
  • Name of the Vendor
  • Address of the Vendor
  • Name of the Receiving Department
  • PO’s Date
  • PO’s Reference Number
  • Terms of the PO
  • Item Code
  • Item Name
  • Supplier Code
  • Supplier Name
  • Department Code
  • Department Name

Items the company needs are kept in a list that is sorted alphabetically for easy reviewing. The departments and the suppliers are also listed in the same way. The user can update the suppliers, the items, or the departments involved. In other words the user can add, edit or simply pick from the list to fill the necessary information in the PO transaction menu. It is up to the user to input the unit price of a particular item because this is what the company really does. They will first have to canvas for the many prices of certain items. Each item has a unique unit price; the user himself inputs quantity, particulars of the item, department who requested it, unit measurement, and its unit price. The PO summary displays the item ID, item Description, quantity, unit price, total amount of the items (depends on the quantity number), and the PO total for all the items for a particular supplier. The summary report contains the total amount purchased by each department. The user can also view the list of items purchased by specific users.

####The System

This is what the system can do:

  • Input the PO Number
  • Input the Vendor’s Name
  • Input the Vendor’s Address
  • Input the Receiving Department (main department)
  • Display list of Departments
  • Input by Code
  • Input by Name
  • Input the PO Date
  • Input the Reference Number
  • Input the PO’s Terms
  • Input Quantity
  • Display list of Items
  • Input Item Code
  • Input Receiving Department (sub department)
  • Display list of Departments
  • Input by Code
  • Input Unit Price
  • Compute Total Price of the item(depends on the quantity)
  • Display the Amount of the Item
  • Display the Supplier List
  • Add a Supplier to the Supplier List
  • Edit a Supplier from the Supplier List
  • Display the Item List
  • Add an Item to the Item List
  • Edit an Item from the Item List
  • Display the Department List
  • Add a Department to the Department List
  • Edit a Department from the Department List
  • Display the PO Summary of a Given Period
  • Compute the Amount for each PO
  • Compute the PO Total
  • Display the Summary Report of a Given Period
  • Compute the Amount for each PO
  • Compute the PO Total
  • Display the PO Transactions for a Specific User for a Given Period
  • Compute the Amount for each PO
  • Compute the PO Total