I am a graduate student studying game programming at UCF's FIEA program. I also have a B.S. in computer science from UF.
Pinned Repositories
A sample of the code that I worked on for my master's capstone project, Chroma, a third-person rogue-lite shooter.
The interactive-data portion of a game engine, enabling a game developer to configure the behavior of and data contained by game objects in both C++ and JSON through reflection.
A UE4 third-person parkour system that allows a character to climb onto and vault over objects of various sizes, using various animations that are adjusted to the size of the object using motion warping.
A Unity, first-person, multiplayer, PVP melee combat game with a unique set of weapon input controls.
A Unity RPG inventory and stat system made for a human-computer interactions class to assess the usability of various inventory designs.
A 2D Unity puzzle-platformer made as an entry to the Ludum Dare 49 game jam with theme: unstable.
UF Data Structures project that utilizes Unity to sort a randomly distributed crowd using different sorting methods
nickcancio123's Repositories
A UE4 third-person parkour system that allows a character to climb onto and vault over objects of various sizes, using various animations that are adjusted to the size of the object using motion warping.
A Unity RPG inventory and stat system made for a human-computer interactions class to assess the usability of various inventory designs.
A sample of the code that I worked on for my master's capstone project, Chroma, a third-person rogue-lite shooter.
The interactive-data portion of a game engine, enabling a game developer to configure the behavior of and data contained by game objects in both C++ and JSON through reflection.
A Unity, first-person, multiplayer, PVP melee combat game with a unique set of weapon input controls.
A 2D Unity puzzle-platformer made as an entry to the Ludum Dare 49 game jam with theme: unstable.