
Public Issue Tracker for Wynncraft

Should I post an issue?

  • If your issue is related to individual payments or account support, please email support@wynncraft.com instead of posting the issue here.
  • Pro Tip! If you think you've found an exploit, don't post the issue here. Instead, contact support@wynncraft.com

Posting an issue

Creating a new issue on the tracker is simple:

  1. Use the search bar on the top navigation bar to search for your issue first, if it doesn't exist keep following these steps.
  2. Head to https://github.com/Wynncraft/Issues/issues/new
  3. Give the issue an appropriate title Powders not working instead of Powders - remember specific titles can help use eradicate duplicates on the public and internal issue tracker.
  4. Describe the issue with a short summary, followed by steps on how to reproduce the issue - http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax describes the syntax to use for formating.
  5. Pro Tip! Although this step is optional it's really helpful when (if possible) you can include a screenshot of the issue that you're describing (drag and drop works).