An Alexa Skills Kit framework for node.
- Asynchronous middleware and intent handlers
- Robust error handling
- Easy access to session and slots data
- Well tested
- Integrates well with any framework
Related packages
- alexa-ability-lambda-handler - Expose abilities as AWS Lambda functions
- alexa-ability-express-handler - Expose abilities as Express endpoints
- alexa-ability-async-handler - Promise creating handler for abilities
- alexa-ability-timeout - Middleware to prevent your skills from stalling.
- alexa-ability-context - Middleware to simplify building multistep conversations.
- alexa-ability-stash - Middleware to easily persist user data (a lot like express-session).
- alexa-utterances - Easily generate an exhaustive list of utterances from a few template strings.
- alexa-ssml - Manipulate and validate SSML using the jsx syntax
- node-lambda - A command line interface to package and deploy AWS Lambda functions
es5 version)
Example (import { Ability, events } from 'alexa-ability';
import { handleAbility } from 'alexa-ability-lambda-handler';
// create our skill
const app = new Ability({
applicationId: 'my-application-id'
// add middleware function that run before every request
app.use(function(req, next) {
console.log('Handling:', req);
// handle LaunchRequest - "Alexa, launch MyApp"
app.on(events.launch, function(req, next) {
const cardTitle = 'Greetings';
const cardContent = 'Hello world!';
const speech = (`
Hello <break time="100ms" /> world
`);, cardContent).say('ssml', speech).send();
// handle SessionEndedRequest - "Alexa stop"
app.on(events.end, function(req, next) {
console.log(`Session ended because: ${req.reason}`);
// handle custom intents
app.on('MeaningOfLifeIntent', function(req, next) {
asyncRequest(function(err) {
if (err) return next(err);
// catches any unhandled requests
app.use(function(req, next) {
req.say('I don\'t know what to say').end();
// gracefully handles any uncaught errors
app.use(function(err, req, next) {
req.say('Uhoh, something went wrong').end();
// export as a lambda handler
export const handler = handleAbility(app);