
three.js material creation/application via stylesheets

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What if three.js materials, but CSS?


This module seeks to make it possible to use familiar CSS selectors and style rule syntax for defining and applying three.js materials to scenes.

Example Usage

Set up a simple scene with some objects and a light, then apply a stylesheet.

Any object which includes a geometry can be selected by that geometry's name. Additionally, a property className in the object's userData can further describe the object and make sharing of style rules easier.

Calling applyStyle with a given node and stylesheet will parse the stylesheet and traverse the graph to match nodes with rules to dynamically create and apply materials.

import three from 'three';
import {applyStyle} from 'threestyle';

let camera = new three.PerspectiveCamera(90, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000),
  scene = new three.Scene()
  renderer = new three.WebGLRenderer(),
  sphere = new three.Mesh(new three.SphereGeometry(5)),
  box = new three.Mesh(new three.BoxGeometry(5, 5, 5)),
  light = new three.PointLight();

camera.position.set(10, 10, 10);
camera.lookAt(0, 0, 0);

light.position.set(-10, 10, 10);
sphere.userData.className = 'transparent';
sphere.position.set(-5, 0, 0);
box.position.set(5, 0, 0);

scene.add(camera, sphere, box, light);

    BoxGeometry {
      color: red;

    SphereGeometry {
      color: blue;

    .transparent {
      transparent: true;
      opacity: 0.5;

function render() {
  renderer.render(scene, camera);



Inspiration for this project comes from threess which takes steps towards separating material assignment from the scene graph hierarchy. Additional heavy lifting will hopefully come from:

  • reworkcss: parsing a stylesheet into an AST
  • cssauron: tree node matching via selectors

Demo texture maps created by soady.