

A Rails app for managing timing for an enduro-style (multi-stage) mountain bike event, where the stages are timed with Strava. The app will aggregate Strava times across stages to produce a leaderboard. Currently designed to be run locally, so that it can be used more easily where internet reception is not good (connection would only be required when actually syncing with Strava).

Getting Started

After you have cloned this repo, run this setup script to set up your machine with the necessary dependencies to run and test this app:

% ./bin/setup

It assumes you have a machine equipped with Ruby, Postgres, etc. If not, set up your machine with this script.

After setting up, you can run the application using Heroku Local:

% heroku local


Use the following guides for getting things done, programming well, and programming in style.


If you have previously run the ./bin/setup script, you can deploy to staging and production with:

$ ./bin/deploy staging
$ ./bin/deploy production