
Express server and React client to search and display Google Books

Primary LanguageJavaScript





Track issues on github here

Quick Start

  1. git clone git@github.com:nicholasgriffen/react-gbooks
  2. cd react-gbooks
  3. npm install
  4. Define ./src/server/.env (see example)
    API_KEY (how to get one)
  5. npm run client-build
  6. npm start


  1. heroku create my-app
  2. heroku config:set API_ENDPOINT=https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes
  3. heroku config:set API_KEY=your_secret_key #substitute your Google Books API key
  4. git push heroku master

See "scripts": "client-build" and "scripts": "heroku-postbuild" in package.json for implementation details.
See Heroku for heroku CLI usage.


React application bootstrapped with create-react-app
See ./src/client/contributing.md for more specific overview of file structure


Designed to be served from src/server/public
Presents and renders a search bar
Sends user input as request to src/server/books/
Receives data as response from src/server/books
Presents search results

Highest Priority Issue

#39. Client was created with, then ejected from create-react-app

Relevant scripts from package.json:

npm run client-build

transform src/client and copy it to the src/server/public folder
see build.sh for implementation details

npm run client-test

run jest in watch mode


Node.js web server written with Express
See ./src/server/contributing.md for more specific overview of file structure


Serves public/index.html
Should, but does not have to, serve the results of npm run client-build from ./public/
Initiates a search of Google Books API in response to an http GET to /books with optional query param, /books?search=param

Highest Priority Issue

#31. Server tests fail without a valid API key

Relevant scripts from package.json

npm start

start the server and listen for requests on a port
print the port to the console

npm run server-test

run mocha in watch mode